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G4S National Crisis Cell Capability

G4S Risk Consulting recognises that COVID-19 is a global pandemic but that the impact is national. The crisis is medical but the impacts will be diverse and dependent on a wide variety of national factors. There is competition for scarce resources even in the world’s leading economies. In countries where inequities already strain relations this competition will have far reaching consequences. Decision making will be hard. The G4S National Crisis Cell Capability (NCCC) seeks to make it just a little bit easier.
G4S Risk Management - Cell Capability

Strategic Crisis Management - In-a-box

The NCCC deploys rapidly to act as the Host Nation Government’s plug-and-play support by enabling, coordinating, administering, and mentoring those charged with managing a nation’s crisis.  The Crisis Team of experts, forms the core of a comprehensive turnkey capability; the NCCC brings together generalist and specialist expertise on a flexible information management platform, combining strategic communications, geo-spatial situational awareness and monitoring evaluation & learning technology to enable decision making.

The NCCC’s purpose is to enable the coordination and decision-making for a given government’s contingency committee in a national crisis.  The NCCC will support the appointed Chairperson to enable the meetings and decision making processes.  This is likely to be made up of a blend of ministers, officials and agency personnel.

G4S Risk Management - Crisis Team