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Clearance of Unexploded Ordnance UXO Hazards

Clearance of Unexploded Ordnance UXO Hazards
G4S Risk Management - Clearance of unexploded ordnance UXO Hazard


A major international oil and gas company working in Iraq found that their concession was contaminated with unexploded ordnance, and possibly minefields. Their concern was how to ensure that they could safely work in these environments, without endangering their staff or facilities, and to ensure that any company contracted to conduct such clearance would do so in accordance with international standards.


The issues of such contamination on an oilfield concession are multiple. Broadly speaking, these include; danger to life, damage to property, and delays to production. The financial component of these risks can run into tens of millions of dollars.

Our Approach

Our approach is to embed one of our specialist consultants within the oil and gas company, to understand the client requirements, the actual threat from these UXOs and an overall strategy of how this may be overcome. The next step is to develop a bid strategy for an invitation to tender, and assist with tender evaluation. After contract award, the consultant will act as technical expert on behalf of our client, and conduct regular task planning and project oversight of the contractor.

Benefits to the Client

The client was then able to continue operations unhampered by these explosive threats. This allowed for operations to continue with zero UXO related casualties, damage or disruption to operations.
