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SIPD Case Study

Shell Iraq Petroleum Development B.V. (SIPD) operates the Majnoon Oilfield in Southern Iraq as a member of the consortium of international operating companies that was awarded a Development and Production Services Contract by Basra Oil Company (BOC). The area has become associated with tribal violence and disruption resulting in a challenging environment for industry and government to function. As companies on Majnoon recruit from the local community, this violence has followed onto the field. SIPD required a provider who could manage security and navigate complex tribal dynamics.
Majnoon Oilfield


The development and production services require significant Brownfield and Greenfield work, covering both production facilities and well engineering.

G4S took over from the previous provider on the SIPD contract in October 2012. G4S and SIPD have grown together throughout the SIPD contract with G4S initially providing security for only five sites with a total of 195 personnel but growing to now supporting 24 separate sites and employing approximately more than 600 Iraqi and international staff. This growth has been achieved largely through the close working relationships with SIPD as well as the mutual trust, respect and understanding that has developed between key client and service provider personnel.


G4S provides SIPD/BOC with a total solution for static security services.  Our solution design for SIPD has enhanced their operational effectiveness, providing robust physical protection and freedom of movement within the Majnoon Field.

G4S developed a community engagement plan that is a combination of an in-depth social performance combined with workable security plans along with educational programmes, commercial projects and leadership meetings with the main efforts to maintain and increase influence, defuse tensions and rivalries between tribes/organisations thereby reducing the possibility and their desire to commit acts of violence and / or crime.

The influence and trust gained by G4S as a result of these programmes within these tribal and third party organisations has extended our means of influence far beyond the recognised area of responsibility.  The success of the implementation can be measured daily by the increase in freedom of movement, reduction of serious incidents and disruption across the field.

Services delivered

  • Man Guarding
  • Access Control to H2S areas
  • X Ray Machine search operators
  • CCTV over watch
  • DDT
  • HSE Training
  • LN Compliance
  • Training
  • EDDT


Central to our success is our community engagement plan that includes robust social performance plans, tribal interaction and organised meeting with local leaders, targeted surveillance, risk assessments, HSE Implementation Plan, SOP’s Post Orders.

This contract is part of our operational architecture which covers Southern Iraq:  Real time intelligence support from our network of sources is integrated into our Operations Centres.  This enables SIPD to benefit from an intelligence network that is highly detailed and privileged.
